heaven's political blog

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

what has the world come to...everytime i turn around students are fighting. has the world gone mad or did everyone just wake up on the wrong side of the bed
Richwood high school -_-
Ok this is the blog of mine to show the ideals of many people at my school and myself. WE encourage helpful resources in other words show the "flaws" of RHS. For being a student in Rhs is really a pain in the ass with the occasional bullshit from others. i put this here so people could talk about the schools down flaws along with the problems of the society. and if anyone talks bad about me or my friends on here god so help you.1. SHITTY SCHOOL FOOD..... the solutions SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP COMPLAINING AND BRING FOOD FROM HOME JACKASSES. thats what the fuck I do everyday and if i forget i just starve. because if people bring shit from home they WILL CHANGE THE FUCKING MENU. -_- seriously people. And take it easy on the cooks there because they don't wanna serve that shit either!!2. BULLIES.... Okay seriously WTF. -_- if theres bullies beat the shit out of them. Dont kill them just put them a inch before their life and give them a warning 1 .is fine enough you can give em more but better them not expecting it.. if you can't beat them up gang up on em or have someone whose bigger than you fight for ya.3. PEOPLE WHO WONT SHUT THE FUCK UP... again beat the shit out of them or out wit them.... even though fucking preps wont get the dick out of their ears theyll listen after getting the shit beaten out of em.4. ANNOYING PRINCIPLE/TEACHER.. seriously just learn a new language or something that you know they dont know then cuss them out in it. simple fact is what i do, but some teachers are nice. some just suck major ass. if that don't work just find out your own way. 5. BUS DRIVERS... okay there was once this one FUCKING AWESOME bus driver named bill.. he was cool and not stuck up and THE BEST DRIVER IN WV. but now cause of certain reasons -_- we got a bitch of a bus driver who cant drive worth fucking shit and its getting near winter so im going to die in like 3 weeks to a day. honestly the school board needs to really teach these fuckers how to drive.6. SOCIETY... okay wtf is with kids now a days.. -_- im 17 i know but some kids wine bitch and complain till they get what they want handed to them.. okay wtf happened to people working for what they want like i do. did society just have wtf moment or what. these crazy lil fuckers act like kids on crack till they get a piece of fucking candy -_- when i was small i asked once and if i got a no i shut the fuck up and didnt ask unless i saw it the next day. now a word to society SPANK YOUR FUCKING KIDS!!!!!!!!! IF THEY FUCKING ACT UP AND BITCH LIKE THAT PULL DOWN THEIR PANTS AND SMACK THEIR ASS IN PUBLIC!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY IM TIRED OF HEARING THESE SPOILED BRATS ALL THE DAMN TIME.... DONT BEAT THEM SMACK THEM NOT A FIST BUT THE PALM OF YOUR HAND.... THEN SOCIETY WILL STRAIGHTEN THE FUCK UP.7. SCHOOL STANDARDS.... ok what the fuckin hell. who in the hell thought it was smart to lower the school standards? who ever did needs the shit beaten out of em.. NO my sons going to be held back T_T.. dont worry mam well lower the standards.. -_- ok the standards are so low its a insult. i use to sleep everyday in class and pass with a 90-80.. honestly they shouldnt lower the standards if they dont get it let the lil shits be held back till they do.. cause again I DONT GIVE A FUCK... sorry mam hes to stupid hes going to get held the fuck back... serves society right. god gave us a brain and we all dont have the same intellect so hold some of theses shits back okay.. sheesh.8. STUPIDITY .... okay im going to try to make this as short as possible cause this topic is too DAMN easy.. ok you know wtf irks me. when you live in a socialistic society revolving around a mental inferiority complex. if you dont get that then your are the stupid one.. ok i hate it when these mother fuckers dont know anything and ask constantly. i can get if they dont get it but you know ignorance is bliss -_- unfortunately. but when you got someone so stupid that they pretend to be a fucking gangsta or some dumbass ball jockey and yes i mean someone as fucking stupid as JACK "ASS" BOLLEY!!!! when they make fun of you for you knowing more than they do and they use a stupid comment like your mom as a come back.. honestly who the fuck was dumb enough to make your mom a comeback WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT!!!!. when you know your beat you, should be a lil bit smart enough to shut your mouth and walk away. But when someone says YOUR MOM!! I think, "WOW what a fucking dumb ass." wonder how many brains cells that bastard used to come up with such a "BRIGHT" idea.. but seriously if someone uses that as a comeback please grab a pencil and stab it through their jugular. so they cannot breed idiocy. Thank you.9. GANGSTAS... OKAY SERIOUSLY... WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT UP WITH SUCH A STUPID NAME?!?!?!? ITS EVEN ILLITERATE. IF YOUR A GANGSTA THEN TURN THE GUN UP RIGHT AND PULL YOUR DAMN FUCKING PANTS UP!!!!!!!!! seriously just cause your pants are around your ankles your "Dangerous" -_- yeah fucking right!!! more like some ones bitch. The honest symbol of that originated from prison.. The prison bitches hanged their pants low to show that they were "AVAILABLE" now think about that you stupid ignorant jackasses. GANGSTA MUST MEAN PRISON BITCH!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!, WHAT NOW FUCKERS!!!!!!!10. Gun Laws.... Okay at first they sound nice, but really if you think about it are they? well the way i see it is that gun laws shouldn't be in affect because it takes away the only protect us law abiding citizens have.. yet the thugs and wanna be prison bitches still have them.. so really what is the fucking point? Now if i was walking down the street and a turf war happened when gun laws took effect then wtf am i going to do sit there and cower and wait for it to end then possibly die in the event. HELL NO!!!! Now situation 2 if they werent in effect. would there be turf wars and shit like that? FUCK NO -_- because the law abiding citizens would take care of it before the cops even got the call.. and the crime rate and everything would go down within 3 weeks dramatic results would take effect. SO A NOTE TO THE GOVERNMENT I GOT A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT AND I'M DAMN WELL GOING TO BEAR ARMS IF SHIT LIKE THAT HAPPENS IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD!! if a cop comes i will tell the cop the purpose of the weapon cause it would be for my protect
Gang violence

All that you have herd about gang violence is probably true. It is a horrible thing to be apart of and it's the reason for alot of people's deaths. Its bring forth alot of stress, headaches etc.. Gang violence only damages you when you have no purpose for it. Gang violence should be one of our top priority to deal with. I don't believe that gang violence is that major any more America already has more law enforcers than they bargain for. I mean if we put a stop to that or even slow it down I believe America will be an even greater country than it already is. I believe that sometimes people get in gangs to fit in but a possible way to stop that would be to, as parents, show them that theres more to life.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Society would be better safe and secure. It's just a matter of support, effort, hardwork, and focuse which will help us get to where we want to be. we need to work together in order to make progress grow. No one should slack or lack and confidence. society deserves better and as a family we should support one another and help better each other, not bring each other down as if the other has no use or meaning.
many people in society should be protected and helped from these great dangers in society. There are many lives that are at stake which will lead to an even bigger problem. Many people are dying because of diseases being spread, gang violence, people becoming enemies spreading animosity, and many other disputes throughout the society. We have to work together as a people to help prevent these dangers and keep society safe, stable, and secure.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Safty, Protection, Help.....(SPH)

Hey viewers, this blog’s purpose is to help serve and protect our society in its best interest. This blog will help in form its viewers of the dangers in society among many groups of people. It will help you learn about protecting yourself from dangers such as, diseases, crimes, fights, and just becoming a victim to the harms in society.